Application Process
Application for membership must be made to one of the department’s five companies. The application must be completely filled out and sponsored by a company member in good standing. The applicant must be investigated by the company appointed Investigation Committee. Perspective applicant must sign a written agreement of voluntary termination form the Owego Fire Department upon conviction of sexual misconduct or arson. The applicant must be voted on and approved by the company in accordance with each company bylaws. Company approved applicants are presented to Fire Board for approval pending results of a physical and arson check. Upon approval of Fire Board the Chief submits the application to the Village of Owego Board for final approval. No person may attend new member training, fire ground training, make any calls or receive gear until a certificate from the Village of Owego recognizing membership of the department is in hand. The application approval process takes one to two months.
Click Here to Download Application
Please email your completed applications to or mail to the attention of Owego Fire Department – Chief, 87 North Avenue, Owego, NY 13827.